Mindfulness-Based, Experiential, and CBT
I studied philosophy at UT Austin and completed my MA in Psychology and Counseling at Goddard College in Vermont. My master’s thesis explored the overlap and the tension between Buddhism and Western psychology.
My training in contemplative practice began in 1998 and includes formal practice in multiple traditions including Golden Shield Qigong, Centering Prayer, Anusara and Iyengar yoga, and Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. I have completed retreats in the U.S. and India, but the majority of my practice has been amidst the pressure of modern urban life.
I am a licensed LPC working in private practice since 2012. I have had the opportunity to work with individuals ranging in age from 12 to 65, and hailing from multiple ethnic, religious, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
My approach to integration leans heavily on the value of contemplative practice, healthy relationships, and physical wellness. Over the 20+ years of my own integration process, I’ve had the good fortune to discover many nourishing approaches. I feel honored and blessed to have the opportunity to share.